Thursday, October 8, 2015

Milagritos del Señor

September 28, 2015

and by the way its HUMP DAY!!! In like 2 days I will have been a missionary for 9 months. Well that just sounds weird... I wanna just freeze time so that I can be a missionary forever! I feel like I haven´t been a missionary for that long. I just want to keep working and serving. You have no idea how many blessings you see as a missionary. Sometimes I just wanna video my life here so you can all see it, even if its in Spanish and you can´t understand anything;)

Anyways on to the Milagritos. (that's like little miracles just so ya know). 

This week was incredible if you already couldn´t tell. We had District class on Tuesday. We were dedicatedly studying english when suddenly Presidente Arrington and Hermana Arrington come in. They stayed with us the whole time. Elder Ragan (mi lider de distrito) taught us about the ODPP. What is that? Well it stands for Obediencia, Diligencia, Perseverancia, y Persistencia. We were invited to apply this counsel during the week. We were challenged by E´ Ragan to enter 5 houses everyday. So like 3 with the vision (which I will explain later) and 2 more just knocking doors. Hermana Heaton and I were definitely up for the challenge. 

At the end of the week we entered over 30 houses. That has never happened in my life here. We somehow entered extra houses everyday. We used every excuse possible to get in and share a message. I hate to admit it, but we used the bathroom excuse about 5 times this week and it worked every time. Now maybe the people were annoyed and maybe we wont be getting back into their houses to really teach them, but we left every single person better than we found them. We applied Como Comenzar a Ensenar with every person, found a tiny need, and shared a scripture according to their need. Talk about Miracles. I felt so empowered this week. I know that wasn´t me! It was the LORD!!!

So in the mission we have this thing called the Vision. We need to visit a Member, Less Active/Convert, and Investigator every day. And they all need a member to accompany you. Really it doesn´t seem that difficult, I mean how hard it is to get someone to come out and work with you. But believe me it is hard! Its easier in mi barrio because I have about 170 members to choose from. But still they all have lives and jobs and studies. And the sweet little missionaries are the last priority. (this is all just preface para prepararse para los milagros)
And I know numbers are not important but we got 7 days of the vision!!! That has never happened to either of us!! It was seriously miracles. We found new investigators and we helped our old ones. We taught lessons and invited every investigator to be baptized. Not all of them accepted of course but they all listened and felt the spirit. 

And this is probably the miracle, greatest of all!!! Saturday night was crazy. It was raining cats and dogs. But we were still trying to be the friendly happy missionaries that we are and share the gospel with people. We were in the sector called, la arboleda (the same word for sacred grove just fyi) and we went to visit a contact from like a week ago. AND it was the craziest thing ever. My companion and I knocked the door, He answers but he is alone so we can´t enter. and plus we had a cita on the other side of the town. So we say "can you wait like 20 minutes and we will come back and if not can we pass by Wednesday?" So we literally ran in our dresses and rain boots to the other side where there was a member and our cita. We tried getting into the house but they wouldn't answer the door. So then we ran to la arboleda to visit with Roberto. And HE WAITED FOR US!!!! We started talking. We got to know him a little more. He is recently separated and has a 4 year old son. AND HE FEELS ALONE. HE IS SEARCHING FOR PEACE AND ANSWERS. He has been praying for a while to find this peace. And then we talked to him on the street one day. We were so excited and nervous. We talked about baptims, because we always invite to baptism in the first lesson. He acepted FECHA!!! And we invited him to church the next day.We called him that morning and he said he would try to come but that it was his weekend with his son. So we just prayed and had faith that God would work miracles. AND HE DID. Like 5 minutes before church ended he comes in and one of the counselors helped him find us!!! He apoligized for not coming earlier and it was amazing!!! He is really interested in the church and finding peace. HEAVENLY FATHER WORKS MIRACLES!!!!

Okay that is about it. I am so happy and excited for this week and this conference. We are so blessed to have living profetas hoy en dia. And we are so blessed to be able to hear from them. I invite you all to go to conference with questions and really pray and fast to receive answers. I promise that Heavely Father will answer your prayers por medio de uno de los mensajes que van a escuchar esta fin de semana. I have no doubt that Prophets are called of God. That they have the authority and revelation to guide us in these latter days. I am so blessed to be a missionary and share this truth with the world. I love you all!! thanks for all the love and support during these 9 months. I LOVE YOU!!!

Hermana Poulson

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