Thursday, October 8, 2015

Half way there... and 15 hours of conferences

October 5, 2015

Can I just say that I am on like a spiritual high?? I promise that is a good thing. It's so inspiring to sit and listen to conference for like 8 hours. I feel like every talk answered one or more of my questions. 

With 8 hours of Conference, 2 hours of the Women's conference, we also had 5 hours of ZONE CONFERENCE!!!! Woohoo!! I learned a lot from President Arrington about what I should be doing as a missionary. Every night we have a planning session, and we set a number of goals for what we want to accomplish tomorrow. We make specific goals and then find the names of the people to fill the goals. I have officially been out for half my mission and I still feel like I have SO MUCH that I could do better.
We were talking the other day and I really haven´t felt like I have made a difference here in the mission. I felt like I was a disappointment to the Lord, Presidente Arrignton and to my family. I felt like I always had so many expectations here and I just wasn't living up to them.

Don´t think I am depressed, I am just a little bit of a perfectionist hahaha. But in the conference I just felt an overwhelming feeling of love and support. From my family, my friends, my companion. And most of all, My Heavenly Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. I realized more than ever that we are not alone in this great work. I thought about how those newly called apostles felt. I bet they felt overwhelmed and super super inadequate. I felt the same way. Listening to their testimonies reminded me that really this is Gods work and whom the Lord calls, the Lord qualifies. That is one of the MANY inspirational thoughts of my conference weekend.
As a missionary the only thing I wanted was for the investigators that I am teaching to come and listen and feel the spirit. We called Roberto like 5 times that morning to remind him. We went to the church and set up our English session. I was sitting there listening to President Uchtdorf's talk just wishing that Roberto could be there to listen. It was a talk specifically about how you can find happiness--exactly what Roberto wanted to know! And just as it reached the middle of the talk there was a knock on our door. ROBERTO CAME!!!!!!!! Once again Heavenly Father answered my prayers. 

The conference was amazing! Seriously I don´t think I could limit it to one talk that changed my life....But I would have to say that some of my favorites were President Uchtdorf, President Monson, and Elder Durrant. And of course I loved hearing from the new Apostles.. None of us were right on our guesses by the way, I guess we aren't as inspired as we think. Like I said before I bet they felt unqualified and nervous. But really they are amazing and called of God.
The best part about conference is being able to apply what I have learned in the coming months. I have learned so much about what it really means to be a disciple of Christ and to become truly converted. And how to find real happiness in life. I hope you all take the Challenges from our Prophet and the other apostles. And you better do the scripture challenge, we have been doing it as a mission and really it has added such a power to our work here. We can help people come closer and closer to our Heavenly Father and the blessings of Eternal Happiness. 

Sorry for the randomness of this letter, Just know that I love you and I am so grateful for the opportunities that I have to be an instrument in the Hands of God in bringing people to the FOLD. I may not have the most converts, but I will come back more converted to this gospel, and that is all He asks for.
Hermana Poulson

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