Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Blessings just keep coming!!

October 19, 2015
Blessings just keep on coming!!! I am staying here in Hualqui with Hermana Heaton!!!!! I love Hualqui with all my heart and I love Hermana Heaton tambien!!! Really it is such a blessing to continue working with her. We love being missionaries!!! She is so fun and loves to work so I couldn't ask for anything else!

This week was kinda crazy. We only have like 4 investigators, we are still trying to find, but sometimes it's just so crazy when you have to meet with the ones you have every other day, and less actives, and Active members.

So here is a little about la obra esta semana: (The work this week)
Roberto-we had 2 lessons with him this week. He had a baptism date for the 25th, but it will fall cuz he actually smokes....a lot....But we taught him The Word of Wisdom and The Law of Chastity. The lesson about the WoW was the most spiritual lesson I think I have ever taught on the mission. We started out talking about how obedience brings blessing. And then about how every commandment helps us. Suddenly we just started talking about the WoW and he said that he knows its true just that he LOVES to smoke. Only because of the social aspect, So we are hoping and praying that he stops. I just had this overwhelming feeling come over me and I told him that He loves his son and wouldn't want his son to do anything that would harm him. And then I related it to how our Heavenly Father is the same way. He loves us more than we know and it hurts him when we do stuff that unintentionally harm us. But that no matter what we do in our lives we can receive the forgiveness and love from him. SPIRITUAL MOMENT. We have metas para dejar de fumar. (We have goals to help him stop smoking.)

Cristel and Camila are 14 and 12, from different families but both are investigators, they can´t progress because their parents wont let them be baptized. It makes me cry. I just want them and their families to get blessings!

Zaida. People in her family keep dying and the other ones are just obstacles. But we are working hard with her. It's hard because we have to make sacrifices ie...(get up an hour early) so we can teach her. I just want to really help her. She has so much potential.
Yeah sorry the letter is short I will write more next week. LOVE YOU so much!!!
Hermana Poulson

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