Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Time flies when you are having fun!! And even faster when you are serving the Lord!!

October 12, 2015

I am pretty sure having fun and serving the Lord make up the perfect sentence. Really that is what I am doing here in Chile. I have never had so much fun serving and teaching and walking and crying and...  Really it is such a blessing to wake up and do the SAME THING everyday. I have grown so much through personal study and prayer. I feel like I just have so many blessings and so many miracles and I don´t even know why! Heavenly Father just really loves missionaries I guess.

It is kinda crazy...This week is the last week of cambios and Hermana Heaton and I are kinda freaking out! I always get a little stressed with cambios and I don´t want a new companion. Hermana Heaton is AMAZING and I have learned so much from her. She probably will train next cambio she is that amazing!! 

Anyways this week I guess I just wanna write about the people I am teaching. I don´t like writing about them because I feel like I jinx their progress. All the weeks that I have written about baptisms that will happen something always comes up and the people don´t make it. It makes me cry! I kinda still have the love hate relationship with AGENCY. I just wanna take it away sometimes so the people don´t make dumb choices. Oh well. 

This week we had some EARTH SHATTERING experiences!! No we did not have another earthquake....just some AWESOME MISSIONARY MIRACLES!!!! 

On Monday we had a lesson at 6. We ended pday early so we could teach Roberto. We gave him a tour of the church. THE SPIRIT WAS SO STRONG. It was awkward at first when we sat in the sacrament room and waited for 2 minutes, but afterwards we asked him how he felt and he said he felt at peace. That is what I am talking about!!!

On Tuesday the mission presidents wife, Hermana Arrington, came to work with us!!!! I love her so so so so so so much!!!! We visited with Roberto (the investigator I have been praying for my whole mission) and we taught him about the Book of Mormon and how he can find the answers to life's questions. Oh my, the spirit was so strong. We had to translate everything for Hermana Arrington, and I realized I don´t know English gospel words. But really, It was amazing!!! Our member helped us out a lot. He is a convert too and shared his testimony about the Book of Mormon and like his story of conversion. I hope Roberto felt the spirit because I know I did. President and Hermana Arrington accompanied us for the last lesson. We taught a less active/convert/investigator family. Rodrigo is less active. Susana is su paraja y es Investigator. And Fernanda, hija de Rodrigo, es un converso. Man the spirit was really strong then too. We talked about eternal families and their goals. President found their need and invited them to a NDH in his house. I hope Susana gets baptized. 

Well I had a mini cambio on Thursday and Hermana Patterson came with me. I stayed here. I actually knew the sector pretty well so I can figure out where I am and where there are members. I hope that means I can stay here next cambio. We didn't get the vision but we did find a new family to teach. They are kinda humble sweet little people, just they always leave for the weekends. I just want to take away their agency and get them to experience this happiness that the gospel brings!!

I am outta time, like I said time flies when I am having fun, so I will let you go for this week.I love you!!

Hermana Poulson

I read a really good talk by Elder Gerrit W. Gong of the 70. It is about being perfect. It really really really helped my perfectionism. I feel like that is my greatest trial of the mission. But with the Lords help and la expiacion puedo cambiar. (and the atonement I can change.)

"Understanding the Savior’s freely given atoning love can free us from self-imposed, incorrect, and unrealistic expectations of what perfection is. Such understanding allows us to let go of fears that we are imperfect—fears that we make mistakes, fears that we are not good enough, fears that we are a failure compared to others, fears that we are not doing enough to merit His love.

The Savior’s freely given atoning love helps us become more forgiving and less judgmental of others and of ourselves. This love heals our relationships and gives us opportunities to love, understand, and serve as our Savior would.

His atoning love changes our concept of perfection. We can put our trust in Him, diligently keep His commandments, and continue in the faith (see Mosiah 4:6)—even as we also feel greater humility, gratitude, and dependence on His merits, mercy, and grace (see 2 Nephi 2:8)."

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