Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Conference Weekend

April 6, 2015

That just about sums up my life. I looked forward to conference all week and it was honestly the best experience ever!!! Seeing temple square and listening to the talks in English really made me homesick! I miss the familiar site and sounds of conference and home! and the cinnamon roll breakfast! We attempted to do one with just us was an adventure!

We watched conference from the comforts of our tiny chapel. Hermana Godown and I watched them in Spanish. There were only about 10 people from the Rama that came to conference...kinda crappy but I am praying that they will grow stronger and really be converted one day. But really conference was amazing!! I know without a doubt that prophets are called of God, because only God knows exactly what I needed to hear. It was so good. I know all the things I need to do to be better and sometimes it is overwhelming. I have no idea what I am doing here most days. I try my best to speak the language but the people don´t understand me. I have a few good moments when I can testify really strongly and the spirit speaks through me. I continually pray for those experiences.

Here is my story of conference for the week: It was Sunday morning session, Hermana Godown and I were happily enjoying the first few minutes of President Monson's talk. And then my favorite person came and told us we were taking their signal and that we needed to get off. We told her we were on another wifi so it didn't matter. She left. Then Carlitos (the mission leader) came and explained that she was complaining and that we should get off so she doesn´t hate us even more. I was really emotional for some reason...I wanted to watch conference in ENGLISH! It is hard to be thinking in two languages!!! I really wanted to hear the actual voices of the prophets and not just some Spanish voice over! This was so important to me! And then Carlitos said something that changed me, "Hermana Poulson, you understand more Spanish than you think. You are doing really well. I know its hard but if you go in there and watch it in Spanish I know you will be able to understand. Have faith in God and have confidence in the Gift of Tongues." and then he left. 

As tiny tears escaped from my eyes I went into the chapel and sat down. And you know what! I started listening and writing notes in English (usually when I hear in Spanish I write in Spanish). MY FAVORITE SPEAKERS happened to all speak this I was a little emotional again and then we sang my favorite Hymn: I Know That My Redeemer Lives". After that session ended and everyone went to Almorzar Hna Godown and I rewatched it in English. you know what surprised me? My notes were perfectly written with what the speakers were saying. I had understood PERFECTLY what they where saying in Spanish. THAT DOESN`T HAPPEN WITHOUT THE HELP OF GOD. I know without a shadow of a doubt that I was blessed with the Gift of Interpretation of Tongues.
I wish I could write everything I learned but sadly there isn't enough time. 
I love you all and I am glad you guys had a nice spring break down in St. George. Tell everyone I love them, especially Trevor! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Con MUCHO Amor,
Hermana Poulson

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