Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Blessings and Miracles and a little problem called LICE...

April 11, 2016

Well just so you all know this cambio is a cambio of 8 weeks so this week was a BONUS and this coming week too!! It's like Heavenly Father gave me two extra weeks of blessings! I love working with my sweet, powerful companion Hermana Romero. And I also loved my two mini cambios this week.
I met my soul sister. Her name is Hermana Guymon. She is from Utah and comes from the same life as me!!! We are seriously the same person, only she is WAY more prepared than me to be here on the mission. She is working so so so so hard and I love it. We made some awesome goals and talked about how it was for me. I relived my training and all the great experiences of being a new missionary. The only problem (and it wasn't that bad) was the RAIN!!! Summer officially ended and we had our first experience in the rain. Let's just say I was not prepared and neither was my sweet Hermana Guymon. She lost her bag of clothes on the bus and so I lent her mine...she is just WAY WAY taller than me so it didn't work. We didn't have an umbrella and used my rain skirt as a cape. word to family and friends: NOTHING IS WATERPROOF!!!!! 

Also I spent 2 days with Hermana Lisboa and Hermana Ellis! MY FIRST DAYS as a TRIO!!!!! It was really really great. We worked HARD in their sector para ayudarles a tener mas personas y tener mas unidad como compañeras. (to help them have more people and have more unity as companions.) I can testify that I was prepared to come here to help them in this specific moment. I won´t explain everything that happened, just to keep it confidential between Hermanas, but I KNOW that I came here to help them both. I was reading my Patriarchal Blessing and I just felt the answer to my prayers. I love PERSONAL REVELATION.

Well we kinda ended our baptism streak. But we have had another answer to our prayers and fasting. Like 2 weeks ago we prayed and fasted SPECIFICALLY to find a joven or jovencita (young man or young woman) that could prepare to go on a mission. We contacted, knocked doors and everything. Then we received a referral from Hermana Lisboa y Hermana Ellis. It was the girlfriend of their convert. Sandra!!!!! I love her. She is really really really shy but awesome! We have been teaching her for a week and she is really amazing! She went to church before and came to conference and this week we have taught her practically every lesson. She told us yesterday that her and her boyfriend both want to serve missions!!! And then come back and get married!!! HOW CUTE IT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS!!!!!

Okay and now that part you are all waiting for! So it turns out that I have had lice for a couple weeks! All the Hermanas in our zone have been infected with lice. Well first off,me and my companion, and the 2 other Hermanas that live with us. And then of course as Hermana Líderes we have mini cambios and Hermana Romero and I infected the whole group of Hermanas in Chillan!!! WooHooo!! So this week we have spent everyday cleaning our clothes, our sheets and our house. AND OUR HAIR!! We are almost at the point that we wanna put TANAX in our hair. Seriously it was the nastiest experience of my life. I called the mission nurse and cried because I was soooo traumatized.

That just goes to show that in the mission we pass through practically everything. 
Lots of love from your favorite lice infested sister missionary,
Hermanita Poulson

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