Tuesday, February 16, 2016

The parable of the Chilean Talents...

February 8, 2016

I can´t believe I have almost been here in Cauquenes for a month!! Its been such a miracle and I have learned so much from this sector, from the members, from my companion and of course from the spirit!! I love being a missionary and everyday I thank Heavenly Father for this opportunity to be here in Chile and teach these wonderful people more about Christ. We talk a lot about Christ. My companion and I made a promise that we wouldn't leave the houses of the people without bearing our testimony of Christ. We were reading the conference talks and every single one of the apostles share their "special witness" of Christ. So now we are copying them ;)

We have seen MIRACLES and I am not just saying that to make you all happy at home! I really mean that I have seen MIRACLES! We found this guy contacting and he is from Iquique (in the north of Chile) and he just barely got here. And then we had a cita with him and it was so spiritual!!! He cried during the prayer and sent us a text (we didn't respond obviously) that he really needed to hear the message. He called us later because I left my hymn book (may or may not have been on purpose) and He tried to find us to give it back. He also said that he read the hymns and loved them. How much of a miracle could I ask for?!?!?! We met up at our ward activity, the Talent show (hence the cheesy title) and he got to know the members. IT WAS AMAZING!!!! The other miracles are that we always somehow find new people to teach. New people that are amazing and are just waiting for the blessings the gospel brings in their life!! How amazing!!! 

Well here is the activity. The obra misional goes all out for the activities and we do it SOLO. So we pretty much planned an entire talent show by ourselves and called every family menos activos and invited everyone and their dogs (there are many Chileans who have dogs...) to come to our activity. And it was a success!!! Everyone came on Chilean Standard time (an hour late) but still who cares right?? The branch participated!! We found a Clown who came to do a show and it was so legit!!!! And we had a completo eating contest! I won!!! (hahaha NOT I don´t like completos) Then one of the youth wrote a rap about missionary work and it was so sick!!! And then the obra misional did a skit about Real Missionary Work. We did improv it was really freaking awesome! 
So the parable of the Chilean Talents is that EVERYONE has a TALENT and when we share our talents we make the world a better place! Through this activity we gained the confidence of the members and we also had a total of 11 INVESTIGATORS in the CHURCH!!!! the majority of whom we are teaching!!! One day we will get more referrals from the members...but that is the parable and the blessings that I wanna share with you:)

Hermana Poulson

P.S. Is it weird that I don´t wanna leave the mission? ;)

Also since I can´t look up meals, what is something quick and easy that isn't noodles or box mashed potatoes....Don´t worry about me I just haven´t eaten with members for most of the time I have been here...they are really poor and can´t afford it. I am not complaining I just need ideas ;)

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