Friday, February 5, 2016

Spiritually self reliant

February 1, 2016

I am pretty sure that is how you say it in English. But anyways I have thought a lot about the things I am learning here on the mission and how I could help you all at home to see what I am learning and how it applies to other aspects of the life, and not just the mission. Here's this weeks summary and then I´ll apply the spiritual self reliance.

This week was a week of ups and downs. We found a couple new people to teach and we tried to help the people to progress. One of our investigators decided that she doesn't want to be with her pareja (its her boyfriend and father of her children) so she kicked him out and canceled their wedding, but is still preparing to be baptized the 13-02. She has passed through really hard times with him and I guess they just thought that eternity wouldn't be worth it. How sad right? Well she has lots of faith and wants to change her life so Baptism it is then:) 

Humberto CAME TO CHURCH! We talked about the plan of salvation (in 4 parts because he doesn't understand very well...the people here are not very educated so it's hard to teach. We teach like we are teaching little kids) and at the end he told us that God doesn't have a plan for him after this life. We just kind of stared at him and had a moment of silence. Then my companion bore a POWERFUL testimony and told him that he didn't need to believe us, but that he needed to get his own answer. We invited him to church and went to look for him. IT WAS AMAZING! He said that he would get his answer in the church. AND he did! 

We also found a MIRACLE. My adopted sister missionary, Sasha, came with us to visit people. All our citas fell through and so we prayed and went to an area that we were the day before. We asked Sasha to pick which door to knock and she chose one that we had knocked the day before. We knocked anyways. And a lady came out. She was AMAZING!! She accepted baptism and has read the Book of Mormon before (de hecho (in fact) she brought out 2 copies of the Book of Mormon, one was highlighted and everything) because her son shared with missionaries before he died of cancer! It was amazingly spiritual. Sasha started crying when we left the house. AHHHH I was so happy I wanted to hug Sasha! That is the POWER of Missionaries and the Spirit!!!!!

Well here is the spiritually self reliant part. We all need to be committed. It's not the old Sunday mormon busyness or when you only go to church because it is a commandment. No you are doing the little things everyday and you are building your relationship with Heavenly Father. That doesn't mean you are reading your scriptures 24 hours a day and always be praying. But it means that you are doing what Heavenly Father wants. We talked about how people that are self reliant spiritually are the people that go to church every Sunday and keep the Sabbath day holy (before and after Church). That have a temple recommend, even if the temple is HOURS away,or if the temple is close to GO THERE often. it's like you make time for God because he is the most important. WOW my mind is blown this week with all the spiritual knowledge I have gained. I challenge all you at home to read the scriptures, and this week read 3 Nephi 27 which talks about the doctrine of Christ and what it means to be members of His church. And that will help you to be spiritually self reliant. 

Hermanita Poulson

I'll be a Sunbeam for HIM!

This is our Friend and Adopted Sister Missionary, Sasha!! We decided to match one day. My companion and I by accident and Sasha freaked out and went and changed so that we would match! I love her so much!!!!

Don't even ask about this picture. We had to walk 10 km to get to Cauquenes one day....not my favorite part of the week. But it makes for a SICK picture!!!!

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