Monday, May 25, 2015

12 Milagros (not to be confused with 17 milagros)

May 18, 2015

Week of Miracles!! I am loving the mission. Especially this cambio with Hermana Gonzalez! We are killing it here in Bulnes!

Milagro 1: I broke my toe Monday playing soccer with my zone. It really wasn't broken, it just hurt so bad to walk on and my toe changed colors. I prayed it would be ok so that I can do the work here.It looks pretty sic now and I can still play futbol so that's all that matters right?;)

Milagro 2: somehow we were able to do all our contacts Monday, and walk around all of Bulnes to meet our daily goals. 

Milagro 3: (M) ANSWERED HIS PHONE!!!! I guess he had an accident the Sunday before and that is why he did not come to church or answer our 50 bajillon calls. 

Milagro 4: (M) is alive and well and living La Palabra de Sabiduría! I seriously went into a minor depression when he wasn't baptized and when he disappeared off the face of the earth. But we had 2 lecciones con el esta semana entonces ¡Oh Esta, Todo Bien! I realized I wrote that in Spanish...haha that is why you guys have google translate! 

Milagro 5: I guess you could say my Spanish is a miracle. Haha I am learning tons with 3 Latinas. and I am teaching them English!!! Haha the only problem is, I really can´t remember words in English or how to form sentences. 

Milagro 6: this story of the week is really dumb...but also hilarious if you can imagine how I felt in that moment....
So we were on the bus to Santa Clara and we needed to get off in Pueblo Seco. But someone (cough cough...Hermana Poulson...cough cough) couldn't remember the stop. So we ended up on a little dirt road to Santa Clara and we got off and walked a mile or so back to Pueblo Seco. The miracle was it only took us like 10 minutes to walk all the way and we didn't get hit by any camiones. 

Milagro 7. This one goes along with the previous milagro...So I lost the keys to our house, the church, and the fence surrounding our house. We went out to Pueblo Seco (super campo) to visit a convert. And I guess my keys fell out in his house. The problem was that I did not realize that I didn't have the keys until that night after Noche de Hogar. Entonces I didn't have the keys....and we couldn't call Jose that late at I prayed ALL THE NIGHT and we called him in the morning! He was at work so he didn't answer. He found the keys under his couch next to the wall...How they got there I have no idea! But Hey! Pray works:)

Milagro 8: We have 4 investigators right now. Its kinda hard to balance and visit them all. But Woohoo!!! We are finding people!!!

Milagro 9: This was the hardest lesson ever. The son of one of our investigators was in the house and he is DEVOUT CATHOLIC....and he said that we shouldn't be inviting others to baptism when they already have a religion. I just started talking and all this Spanish came flooding out of my mouth. I have no idea what I said or anything. I started to testify of this church that I KNOW it is true. And I started getting really emotional and said "I would not be here half way across the world, in a country where I don´t speak the language and where people reject me everyday if I didn't know that this was true. I wouldn't be here testifying of the truth and of the blessings of this gospel if I didn't want the same blessings for you and your family." ( I don´t know if that sentence makes sense in English. I am trying to translate...hahah) WooHoo... I have never felt the spirit so strong. I hope I wasn't too contentious, I just needed to say something and that is what came out.

Milagro 10: I played futbol again with converts-angel and jenny, less actives- ronald and roberto. I love futbol and I love sharing the gospel through futbol.

Milagro 11: I conquered my fear of heights and dogs!!! The ball went over the fence of the capilla and I needed to scale it in order to get the ball. They squeezed me through a passage and I climbed a wall in order to rescue my beloved soccer ball. Angel tried to get it but there were 2 big dogs. we found a pan and fed the dogs while I jumped off the wall and saved the soccer ball. I then scaled the wall again and squeezed through the hole. Angel and the rest of the missionaries just laughed. I have so many pictures of my adventures and no usb port to share them....:/

Milagro 12: I get to talk to my family every Monday! You guys are the best and quizás the greatest miracle of all! Thank you for your love and support and your prayers! I love love love love love you guys!!! I wish I could show you how much I love you!....I guess you´ll just have to read this and imagine me giving you the biggest hug you have ever had!!! LOVE YOU!!!

Until next week...
Hermana Poulson

Bonus Milagro: We have a Savior who loves us and know exactly what we are going through. He will never leave us comfortless. He is always here. BUSCALO!!! I just wanna remind you of this. DON´T FORGET all he has done for you and all he is still doing for you. I don´t know how people can make it through this life without the esperanza y paz that Christ brings in our lives on a daily basis. I would not be who I am without Him.

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