Saturday, February 7, 2015

Week 3 - MTC

Dear family and friends,
3 weeks down, 3 to go! At least here in the MTC...
Typing on spanish keyboards is INSANELY frustrating, but I am getting used to it. So this week also has flown by like crazy! Last friday we taught investigators in the morning and did service that afternoon, I know my mom has taught me well, because I LOVE SERVICE!! We play volleyball and Kickball with District 15B. They are the guys who just left on monday, but they have been our friends and helped us out the whole time. It was really hard to say by to them one monday, but I know they will do amazing things in Mexico! 
Saturdays don´t even feel real, they just feel like a more causal work day. Which is great for me! I love working hard, because I am less homesick! I didn´t think I would get homesick, but guess what, I am! But not a lot so don´t worry;) I was kind of frustrated teaching Carlos saturday morning...My companion and I were like on different pages, and I had spent all friday night studying spanish words for a specific lesson. We didn´t even talk about what I was prepared to say so I got lost and had to remember lots of confusing words. 
Sunday was the saddest day of the week. We said goodbye to 15B and also to the MTC Presidents, The Pratts. It was sad. They have lived in other countries all their lives in various missionary and church capacities. I will miss them, but the new president will be awesome too! We watched the Testament for movie night. I don´t know why I am so emotional, but I was crying. I wished I could have been alive when the Savior came. I hope that my family can be together. I can´t imagine what it would be like if someone was missing....
Also, for all of you who know I don´t have piano skills, I play every sacrament meeting and today we had a special musical number! It was one of my favorite Hymns, If You Could Hie to Kolob!! That song is so hard, but so fun to play! I can play it if I practice, but guess what! They don´t have time for practicing so my district and I just ran through it twice and harmonized and everything! You know how shaky I get when I play?! Well the spirit literally took over and I played without a mistake! The Lord will help his people in the very second they need it! 
Monday we challenged Carlos to be Baptized!! AND He said YES!!! Now we are teaching him about the Law of Chastity and the other commandments he needs to be baptized, so wish me luck! Everything is so much harder to do in spanish. I think I know why I was called spanish speaking: I am comfortable sharing the gospel in english. But God doesn´t want us to be comfortable, he wants us to learn, grow and progress. I need to learn spanish so I can grow and become more of what He wants, and needs me to be!
Tuesday...same as every other day! We teach we pray we study...repeat.
Wednesday. We got to be greeters!!! This means we welcome the newbies!! BEST DAY EVER!!!I serisouly love service so much! and it was so great to meet new people who were feeling what I felt like 3 weeks ago! They came to me today to ask for advice, I am like their big sister now and I LOVE IT!!! I loved seeing their smiles as they saw missionaries and opened up their bags to get their name tags! I was so happy when I opened mine! Hermana Poulson!!! I love it!! Wanna hear something funny about that day?!?! So I was fasting all day today and we were there super late and immediately went to TRC (teaching real Hispanics...) But I slipped in and grabbed something to eat and guess what it was....HOTDOGS!! yeah, I continued fasting and binged on granola bars when I went to bed;)
TRC was amazing! We taught 2 guys about prayer. Although my spanish is still limited I know how to teach them about prayer and how to pray. Both the guys were already LDS but they were the only members in their family...I can´t imaging that! But I asked them questions about how prayer has helped them. And they both started CRYING! The spirit was sooo strong! 

Yo sé qué Jesuscristo es nuestro Salvador y Redentor. Jesucristo sufrío para nosotros y podemos ser limpio y libre de nuestros pecados. Dios es nuestro Padre Celestial. El tiene un plan para nosotros a volvemos a El otra ves. Por medio de la Expiación puedo arrepentar. Yo se que José Smith fue un profeta y la iglesia de Jesucristo de los Santos de los últimos días es el solomente iglesia verdadera en la tierra. Soy un misionera de esta iglesia y Soy una disipla de Jesucristo. 
En el nombre de Jesucristo Amén.

Mucho Amor,
Hermana Poulson

P.S. I know the whole First Vision and Santiago 1:5!! See I am learning something!!! I am working on all the Articulos de Fe!!! 

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