Thursday, May 19, 2016

Just a normal week in the life of a missionary

May 16, 2016

Well it's been one of those weeks. I think I stressed myself out without Hermana Romero. Pero's been a great week. I have no idea why Heavenly Father just wants to give us so many miracles. It must be because Hermana Veron is AMAZING!!!!!! So anyways this week was full of all sorts of exciting stories.

First was my Mini Cambio with Hermana Panek!!! I love her so much. We figured out that she knows my roommates from College!!! How crazy is that?!?!?! So we spent a good couple minutes talking about all the crazy dumb things I did in college...haha it made me miss Morgan and Emily.....sigh....but in our mini cambio I stayed in my sector and we saw a lot of blessings!! We found a really awesome family that just got married in the summer. Macarena is a friend of Hermana Bucarei and she is sooooo ready to just be baptized. She is a nurse so we had a great connection. I think it was one of my greatest Como Comenzar a Ensenar moments.....And we are helping them to progress! I just love seeing miracles. Hermana Panek is a great missionary and great friend.

Second was the day in the rain. I don´t know if you remember pictures that I sent from last year....well here it rains kinda a lot. Layton doesn´t really get much rain. And so i kinda maybe got a little soaked. And my companion and I may have forgotten our rain gear. And our citas may or may not have all fallen through right in the heaviest part of the rainstorm. But let me just say it was splendid. WE HAD THE BEST BLESSING/MIRACLE ever!!!!!! We were doing our normal contacts in the rain trying to get people to stop and listen to us. When all of a sudden a door opens! And out comes a lady. We did not say "Alo" or anything. She asked if we knocked on her door or rang her campaƱa. But I swear we didn´t do anything. And so being the good little missionaries that we are, we started talking to her. At first she wanted nothing to do with us. And then suddenly she just invites us into her house. We start getting to know her more and talking about religious stuff. She has been looking for something more in her life!!! And it was the best!!! I love Golden Investigators!!! But then the problem came...her husband hates....and I mean HATES the church. So this week we will be having secret meetings in the house of a member. But really she is amazing!!! Pray for MONICA;)

Lastly our Interviews with President. Ahhhh it was a sad but exciting day. We talked about a lot of good things. Previously I asked Pres if he would do my last interview and of course he said no...:`( but we talked about all the things I have learned here on my mission and we did a mini last interview. I can´t really share all of it cuz it was really personal and I cried a lot;) But I am so so so grateful that Presidente Arrington was and always will be my mission president. I have grown soooo sooo sooo much in these last 16 months. We admitted that at the beginning I didn´t really live up to my potential as a missionary. I didn´t have the confidence in myself or the spirit. But we talked about how much I have grown and how I have become the missionary that God needs me to be. TRUNKY WARNING: It doesn´t end when I finish the mission. I will keep progressing and growin=)
Also Presidente may have almost killed us (Hermana Arrington, Hermana Veron, Elder Alder and Elder Mace) We went to lunch with them....Chileans drive really really crazily...but we ate really good food. STEAK!!! it wasn´t rice and chicken!!! WOOHOOO.
Well I think the spirit left my email. So I will leave you all with my testimony that I know the Church is true. I know that Christ loves each and every one of us. He helps us to progress! I am a witness of his love and mercy, even if there are times when we feel like we don´t deserve it. 

hermanita POULSON<3<3<3<3

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