Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Whitewashed and Sunburnt

January 18, 2016

Haha I think my title was pretty clever!!! Haha so pretty much this was the craziest week of my mission. I don´t know why Heavenly Father trusted in me to do a whitewash but it is pretty fun, and slightly stressful. We took the sector of the Hermana Lideres and so I feel like the members expect us to be amazing or something...and so its just gonna take some time. ¡Oh que Bakan! At least I am with an AMAZING companion who works even harder than I do and is full of LOVE for the people. She is incredible I mean it. Hermana Herrera is from Peru in a part called Tacna. I think that is how you spell it. Anyways it has been quite an adventure.

Cauquenes is GREAT... Its a rama (branch)...and its a lot of old grumpy people. Haha it reminds me of the movie UP and how the grumpy old guy (I can´t remember his name to save the life of me...) doesn't really want anything to do with the little wilderness explorer guy (his name also escapes me)....So we are persistent, like the wilderness explorer and we never give up. The upside is that everyone is from the campo (country) and are super friendly. The first day we were DYING of heat and some nice lady gave us water. The other days we have gotten Igos (figs...ewww) Frutilla (strawberry) Sandìa (watermelon) and ICE CREAM!!! All from random people on the street or people that we enter their homes. How cool is that!!?? I call those my tender mercies of the day! 

There is so much work to do here. And I love it. It's only my first week and the both of us are kinda stressed and overwhelmed but at the end of the day it is always so rewarding to look at all the miracles that are happening here. God really does prepare people to receive the message of the restored gospel. The coolest experience happened Sunday night. We tried to look for a menos activo and couldn't find her house and so we knocked on what we thought was her door and nobody answered. So then we turned around and asked a group of people (humberto y so familia) sitting outside their house if they knew her. They said she lived in another house and so we turned to go find the hermana nicole...but the guy (humberto) asked if we could share something with him. So we sat and talked with him. He shared with missionaries before but they never came back (he wasn't doing his compromisos (commitments)). And he was SUPER receptive!! He acepted fecha and we are going to visit him a lot this next week. We are working with 2 more families to help them get married!! I haven´t ever worked with that before, usually just people with the Word of Wisdom problems!!! But there is Tons of work to do with them. 

Well I am just so excited to finish strong! I can´t believe all the changes that have happened in my life these past couple months. I am learning so much about the person I want to be and the importance of being truly Converted. There is so much power in your conversion. I think I told you about the time that my Zone Leader asked me what conversion meant and if I was really converted. I have been thinking so so so so much about that. And now I finally feel confident. The spirit hit me really strong the other day as I was feeling stressed and lacked the energy to continue....and I just prayed to help me remember why I was here. And now I know. I have been so blessed to have the gospel in my life. I have let the gospel and my time here in the mission change me. This is why I am here. So that others can know about Christ, not only that he died and suffered for us, but that he LIVES. And that he continues to teach us and help us change. That is what true conversion means to me. And I will leave you with the invitation of Elder Bednar (thanks mom for the quote that inspired my email today) 

I invite you to find time today to pause and assess your own personal conversion to the gospel of Jesus Christ.
There is a difference between having a testimony and being converted. Testimony alone is not and will not be enough to protect us in the latter-day storm of darkness and evil in which we are living. Your testimony is important and necessary but not sufficient to provide the spiritual strength and protection you need in this day.
Remember that your testimony is spiritual knowledge of truth obtained by the power of the Holy Ghost. Continuing conversion is constant devotion to the revealed truth we have received—with a heart that is willing and for righteous reasons. I hope each of you will recognize the consistent, devoted effort needed to be converted to the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Con muchisimo amor y Besitos y brazos (rojos y quemados de mi tiempo en el sol), (With much love and kisses and arms red and burned from my time in the sun),
Hermanita Poulsonita

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