Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Welcome to the Winter Wonderland!!

June 8, 2015

Well now I can say bienvenidos a invierno...its super freezing here and I am wet! haha but i love it!
We had a couple days of rain which is really good! Chile is kinda in a drought...but not like Utah! I like the rain because it isn't as freezing. We wake up to fog everyday. It super gorgeous and the sunsets at night are unbelievable! Chile is BEAUTIFUL!!!!! 

Today for p day we went to the mountains again! I have like 100 more fotos! and this time with snow!!!! I don´t wanna sound trunky (like homesick) but it reminded me sooo much of my home! We had a snowball fight with 3 zones of Chillan. (like 40 missionaries). I was soaked past understanding, but I had so much fun! all my Latinas have never seen snow so it was a wonderful experience! I LOVE WINTER!!! but now I think I need a hot chocolate or something;)

This week I had a mini cambio with Hna Lorea. She is my hna lider from Argentina and I realized that I know way more Spanish than i thought! I am actually learning something here!!! YAY!!!! In all the zones of Chillan (Viejo, Chillan and Ñuble) there are only 3 gringas....I am learning so much Spanish! But it's hard because every Latina is from a different country and they all have their own accents! Hermana Lino is dying this week. And cambios are next week so I will probably have more to say then...just know that I am doing well here, even if I don´t have investigators or baptims!

Here is a summary of my week! We knocked doors everyday and had Noches de Hogares con los miembros aqui! Nothing too exciting, but guess what, we had a miracle AGAIN!!!! We were knocking doors like normal...all the people here have fences and you don´t really knock doors, instead you shout "Hola" or "halo" and if the people are nice they let you in, if not they politely (or not so politely) tell you that they have their religion and they don´t need another. But here is the miracle: we said "okay lets knock this door!" and we did and someone answered and invited us in! We taught her about the plan of salvation, which is my favorite thing besides the atonement, baptism and the Book of Mormon;) She had sooo many questions and we are visiting with her again today! I love it!!!

Oh and I can´t forget this: one of our investigators houses is haunted! and I am not joking...It is really haunted! the 12 year old girl had nightmares and something ripped out her hair in the night and it wasn't her...so yeah we aren't visiting them because I don´t wanna be haunted for the rest of my mission!

I am in love with my mission! I can´t even explain how much I love it! The time goes by sooo fast and I feel like before I know it I will be 6 months...a year...and home!! Freak I don´t want that to happen!

I love you guys and all, but here I only have 18 months to preach the gospel and get to know the people here (and if I am lucky, I will be friends with them in the future) but with you I got all ETERNITY!!! I love you so so so so so so much! stay warm for me okay!??

la Hermana Poulson 
Moroni 8:3 Recuerden siempre!!!

Oh and Copa America starts next week...and I can´t watch futbol..I'm gonna die!!!

Correction! I get to watch Futbol!!! I AM SO EXCITED!!!

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