Tuesday, June 30, 2015


June 22, 2015

DAD!! HAPPY LATE BIRTHDAY!!!! And Happy Fathers Day!!! I am sorry it just totally slipped my mind last week. Just know I love you and I thought about you a lot! I wish they let us call on Dia de mi Papì...pero bueno. Sabemos que las mamas son mas importante;)

Okay so the name of my sector is Independencia. Yeah that's pretty much the coolest! I am here in Talcahuano and Yes I did feel that earthquake right as I went to sleep on Thursday. I said to my companion (because we have a bunk bed) "Hermana Bucarei why are you moving the bed". "that´s not me that's an earthquake!" Yeah so finally I have a cool experience with an earthquake!!!! The weeks in the mission are flying bye faster than I ever imagined....I can´t believe that at the end of this month I will complete 6 months in the mission...crazy how fast time flies.

Oh and so here is a little about my sector....
I am in a barrio...it is HUGE and there are tons of members that care a lot about us. One day we went without lunch (we made it in the casa) and half the ward freaked out and offered to make us lunch. The members here really really love the missionaries so you have nothing to worry about.

It's always hard to make changes and move on. I got really homesick this week, but not for Layton...for Bulnes. I hope I have the same love for the people here, it will just take some time. I love the area and my companion. Its just really different and I am learning that you have every companion for a reason. 

Wanna hear the good news of the week!?!?! POR FIN they are starting the temple in Concepcion!!!! October 17th President Uchtdorf will come and do the groundbreaking! Then within 3 or 4 years they will have a temple and I have all the intentions of coming to the open house! I am so so so so so so so so so excited!!! These people here have been praying for their temple and POR FIN VA A LLEGAR!!!!

Hermana Bucarei and her old comp had like 3 people ready for baptism...and all of them are like dying. Franco is 14 (he comes from a familia menos activo, but he has the desires still, just that church is boring...). Coni is 14 (her mom is a member but wont let her be baptized). and Fabiola is a single mom with 2 kids. She is awesome it is just hard to get her to come to church because her baby is like 2 months old...Honestly I am praying like crazy. For some reason it is really really hard to find people. We work a lot with less actives and part member families. I think that is where there is the most hope here. There are tons of less actives...like the ward list is 400 people and the attendance is about 110....

Here is something I learned this week. I don´t know if you remember my first girls camp. Mom and Dad gave a FHE about Temporary Happiness and Eternal Joy. I really honestly have always remembered that. I don´t know what exactly happened, but I just remember that we talked about eternal happiness. I have thought about that a lot. Yeah sometimes the church stuff is boring. yeah there are so many "rules". But just think about the eternal joy that comes from living the commandments.
One member gave me a huge lecture on why she wasn't living the law of chastity. She said that she was happier living how she is and that I was bad for telling her to repent and get married. All I asked was if she really loved her partner and if she only wanted to live with him here on the earth. She said that I was calling her to repentance. That I was judging her. I wanted to cry. Not because she hurt my feelings...but because she is so content with living with her sin. Satan has great hold of her heart. I was reading in the book of Helaman. This is like right before Christ. No matter how hard they tried to preach the gospel Satan always had hold of their hearts. They were content with their sins.
MY challenge to you is to not be content with your sins. Repentance is not a punishment. It is a gateway to Eternal Joy! Sorry for getting preachy hahaha.

Love you lots!!
Hermana Poulson

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