Tuesday, June 16, 2015


June 15, 2015

I am going to a new sector!!! Chao to my little home of Bulnes....You all know me and you know that I have been crying literally all morning since 7:30 when we received the news of cambios. I have been calling the members that I want to visit and it has been so stinking hard...I will miss my family here. I called Manuel and I just started bawling!!!! I know he couldn't understand a word I said but I hope he knows how blessed I am to know him. We made him a photo (which cost 2 dollars to print) and made a cute thing so he could remember us! Oh how hard it is to say goodbye. 

Seriuosly Hermana Gonzalez and I have had the GREATEST time of our lives here this cambio! I have found a sister in zion! She is my latin twin! and although we haven´t had the success we think both wanted, we have both learned so much! I have never laughed or smiled as much as I have this past cambio! We gained the confidence.... of the President, of the President of Elders Quorum and also of many of the members! Presidente Baeza said this to the other hermanas: "Yeah I will try to do visits with you guys but if Hermana Poulson and Gonzalez need me I am going with them!" Seriously, I HAVE THE CONFIDENCE OF SOMEONE!!!! He started crying today when i called them and said I was leaving....oh how i will miss my family here in bulnes....

Here is the story of my week! after freezing in the bus for 4 hours (we got stuck in the mountains) I think I had hypothermia for the next couple days! But a miracle of the mission is that I didn't get sick! YAY!!!
There are stories in the mission that change you. And this is one of my stories. So we found an investigator last Friday and we taught her the Plan of Salvation. She had so many questions and really had a desire to learn. This past week we had Lesson 1 with her (the restoration) and we even brought the chosen member!! She was committed to coming to church. The next day we talked about the Book of Mormon and how it answers our questions. She has SO MANY questions!!! And then came Saturday...we were having a Noche de Hogar for Hermana Lino. and we got a text...."hola niƱas! i tried calling you but your phone was off" (that's a lie) "I want to tell you that I found my faith this week. And it isn´t with you guys...I am sorry but I think its better if you don´t come visit me anymore...chao.." Yeah that is pretty much a break up text. 

We think she was reading a lot online about Mormons...which is sad because that isn't how this works. How can you pray about something and not get an answer that its true?! Maybe I am not the missionary that will baptize her...but I know that there is someone waiting for me! I will bring the World HIS TRUTH!!

That is all....I love you guys so much and I can´t wait to read your emails next week!! Chao!!

Oh P.S. I will be in Talcahuano Norte.

Moroni 8:3!!!
Hermana Poulson

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