Wednesday, June 1, 2016

After 17 months I have no idea of a creative title...

May 30, 2016

Well it seems like Cambios have come upon us. I am kinda glad this will be the last sleepless night, wondering if I would leave my sector. Thank heavens I am staying here with Hermana Veron. Last night we had one of the Hermanas that was going home stay with us, and Hermana Dominguez was called to be an Hermana Leader. And so the three of us couldn't sleep. We didn't know that we were all awake at 4 in the morning until one of the other Hermanas started talking in her sleep and we all started laughing. Oh I just love the little funny experiences of being a missionary. I always cry at cambios. I have made so many good friends here in the mission. And all the people I love start leaving....boooo. But it's okay. I know that one day I will see them all again. I feel like this cambio passed by really really really fast, maybe because Hermana Romero left me midcambio...but really I have no idea why time has to pass so fast.
This week was a wet one. We enjoyed our time in the rain. I am grateful that I have rain boots! And rain skirts! and an umbrella that doesn't open all the way;) Haha there's a funny story about that...I will tell you later;) But we have seen lots of miracles because of the rain. Sometimes people are nicer and they let you in because they see that you are freezing and wet. Other times they send you away because they see that you are freezing and wet and don´t want that in their house;) But it's okay. I have learned to LOVE the rain. 

So we are in the continual search for new souls to save. We have been able to find at least 10 new people every week, but when we try to find them again they never seem to be there...but it's okay we just are planting some seeds. We are working with a 9 year old and her mom to help reactivate her and baptize her daughter. They are sweet. I love teaching children, I feel like they can understand me more. Also we have been teaching a couple other people. Really we are just searching and praying everyday that we can find who God has prepared. Sorry it doesn't sound that interesting to you. 

This week we also had a couple ward activities. We had a HUGE Book of Mormon adventure. MY MIND WAS BLOWN!!!!! A guy from barrio Libertador came and explained how the Book of Mormon is true from a archaeological perspective. We visited (via google earth) and really all that Nephi says is true. There really was a place called Bountiful!!! Seriously it is BAKAN!!!!!(Awesome)
Then we had an activity of New Converts. It was crazy. We made like 100 sopapillas and pebre. I was in heaven!!!! And then NO ONE CAME! Only the Obispo (Bishop) and his counselors and their families and our Lider Misional and his wife, who is a CR. Que FOME!!!! Pero bueno. Disfrutè muchas sopapillas y aprendí como se siente ser converso de la iglesia. (But good. Enjoyed many sopapillas and learned how it feels to be a convert to the church.)

Sunday came around and I was asked to play the sacrament hymn. I hope this doesn't offend anyone...but Chileans cannot sing well. I was playing I Stand All Amazed. And they started singing the same song but with another melody. And so I tried to play louder, but it's a sacrament hymn. #chileanprobs #neveragain And then to make it all better I was asked to give a 15 minute talk about whatever topic I felt the ward needed. I feel like no one listens to me anyways so I started talking about how we need to be more like Christ and how he is our example. other funny story. I messed up words so I made one of those weird sounds to try to cover up my mistake. Afterwards Diego (the joven (youth) that reminds me SO MUCH of Derek) came up and said that I was the first missionary that has spoken in tongues in the sacrament meeting. Oh my. I cried laughing. At least I can learn to laugh at all the dumb things that happen to me;)

Well I don´t know what else to say other than that I love you and I am so grateful that I have the oportunidad de estar aquí en la misión y representar mi Salvador. Estoy tan agradecida por cada día en la misión. Sé porque estoy aquí. Aprendí que significa ser miembro de la iglesia de Jesucristo. Nunca saldré de ella. Sé lo que el Señor me ha mandado y en esto glorio.
Bueno voy a ayudarles a aprender español. Chao! Mando mucho amor y cariño de la tierra prometida de CHILLÁN!(opportunity to be here in the mission and represent my Savior. I am so thankful for each day in the mission. I know why I'm here. I have learned what it means to be a member of the Church of Jesus Christ. I will never leave it. I know that the Lord has sent me this glory/blessings. Well gonna help them learn Spanish. Chao! I send much love and affection from the promised land of CHILLAN!

Hermanita Poulson (la unica gringa de nuevo en la casa...voy a aprender español antes de terminar) (the only gringa back in the house... I'll learn Spanish before finishing)

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