June 13, 2016
Wow. I don´t know what to say. I think that is why I am lost. So this week has been insanely fun! We have continued to teach REPENTANCE!!!!! And I love it! I have no idea how strong the spirit can be when you teach someone the process they need to do to get baptized or just change their life in general. It's amazing.
This week was a little different. We had District class and I learned a lot about how to become a better missionary, I always learn something new. Elder Parker is a great DL. Then after I went on a mini cambio to Quillon. It's so pretty!! It reminds me a lot of Bulnes just a lot bigger. I got to work with Hermana Guymon, She is amazing. I tried not to stress her out too much ;) Just whenever we have mini cambios everything ends up falling through. It's a great learning experience and we all develop more patience.
I made a trip down to Conce this week to have my FINISH STRONG training. LOVED it!!! I got to see Hermana Burnham and Hermana Long. It was great to see them and to hear how they are doing. I love them. It was weird not to see our elders....Ademas aprendí caleta acerca de las metas y lo que puedo hacer para terminar fuerte! (I learned about the goals and what I can do to finish strong) haha take that trunkiness!!!!
I have so many goals to help me become a better missionary. Hermana Veron and I made goals to improve and work harder. I just want to have one great month and help more and more people feel the Savior's love.
After all the craziness that has happened it was great to have Zone class. I stressed a lot about what we would teach and how. We had to teach the other missionaries about repentance. I will attach the image we found. I just love Christs face! He has a perfect love!
Also this week we had una clase de Hermanas. We prayed and thought about each Hermana and what they needed. We prayed some more and thought about the talk by Presidente Uchtdorf about Forget Me Nots. We found the talk and printed it our for the Hermanas Today we had our class and we felt the spirit so strong. I could feel the Love that Heavenly Father has for each of them. I can see the potential they have as missionaries and future leaders, and as moms and as faithful church members. The spirit helped us to realize that we are loved and that we are never forgotten. I received so much personal revelation. I love the spirit.
I just wanna end with my testimony. I know the gospel is true. I know that there is a plan of salvation. I know that as we pray to receive this knowledge we will feel the Holy Ghost. I know that the Atonement of Christ can lift every burden we have. I know that as we repent and live the gospel daily we will be blessed.
I am praying for the McCashlands. I have been crying for the past hour because I love Ali. It was so sad to hear that she died and it still isn´t real to me. She was my best friend for almost all my childhood. I know that I will be able to see her again and that death is NOT THE END. Please send my love to her family.
con mucho amor, (with much love)
Hermana Poulson
p.s. I have learned that I have an addiction to Sushi...how weird is that? I have had sushi cravings all week so Saturday we bought some sushi. YUM!!!!!!(The first time she tried it, it made her sick for days)