Monday, May 9, 2016

Our trio is down to two...

May 9, 2016

Well it's been a pretty sweet weekend. I loved loved loved being able to talk to my family. You guys are the greatest blessing in my life. I don´t think I really appreciated you that much while I was home, but here in the mission I just love you all to pieces and I love the fact that I have the best family ever!! You guys are so amazing and I am so so so so so blessed to be your Daughter, Sister, that annoying person that lives in Chile and writes you random emails every week ;) 

SO it's been crazy. I am not even sure if it is real. I don´t want my companion to leave. (Sister Romero) It has been such a great opportunity to serve with her. She has helped me to grow and I am a better missionary because she gave me the best example. I think every single one of my companions have helped shape me into who I am today. I am so GRATEFUL that I have companions. I love it. She is going home to Mé now I have a place to go vacation in winter woohoo!!! But on the serious note, I love the friendships that I have here in the mission. I love the people so much. All the members here are amazing. Yeah they have flaws too, but you just gotta love them with all the Christlike Love you can have.
We had another bautismo this week!!!! Miguelina got baptized. I think I told you about her. She was the contact that actually contacted us after we got off the bus. She was GOLDEN!!! I have honestly prayed for an experience like this my whole mission. She progressed sooooo fast and it was amazing to see how much the gospel changed her life in just 2 and a half weeks! She was smoking, living with a pololo (kinda) and was almost at the point of death from a weird disease. But she had the faith and strength to find us and talk to us. And together we helped her come closer to our Savior and our Heavenly Father, and THEY changed her. Her family is NOT supportive of the church and told her she was joining a devil worshiping sect. Her pololo (boyfriend) told her that she was crazy. He said that she changed a lot and finally admitted that at least the changes were for the better. YEAH GOD SOFTENED HIS HEART!!!! 

We are kinda overwhelmed by all the converts we have. We are working with Carlos, an old man who has cualquier enfermidad,(any illness) but he is enduring and enjoying the gospel! Also Margarita,...oh i love her so much. She is like a heavenly grandma who is passing through lots of health issues. Also we are working with Claudia and Fransisco who are just progressing and loving every second of the gospel. They went to the temple and are both serving in Young Men's and Young Women's. And my little boyfriend Augustine....awww I just love that family so much!!!!! Also Brenda is just on FIRE!!! She is going to speak in church next week!!!! And she wants her son and her boyfriend to join the church. She just has a love for the Obra Misional and the gospel. I feel like we are best friends from the pre-existance!!!! Cristan is getting a little lazy. He has a hard time getting up at 9:30 to come to church and studies all the time so he never can have citas...but when we go it's a PARTY in the house of Cristian (a veces sin cristian) (sometimes without Cristian). Oh my too many good memories!!! Sandra is...interesting. I love her. She is really really really shy and it's hard to open up to us. But we are working with her. Her boyfriend Rodolfo kinda looks like the guy that plays Captain Hook in Once Upon a Time....weird huh?;) So that's a little summary of the converts!!! I love MISSIONARY WORK!!!!!!

We are also looking for tons of people. I wish all the people wanted to hear the gospel. But sadly they all have their own religions and so many of them are hard hearted...but it's okay! I know the Spirit can soften any heart that is hardened!!! 

I finished reading Doctrina y Convenios this week. Estoy tan agradecida que tenemos profetas vivientes hoy en día. Nos ayudan a saber lo que Dios quiere para nosotros. Sé que José Smith fue un profeta y que Dios tenía una obra maravillosa para él. (I am so thankful(grateful) that we have living Prophets today. They help us to know what God wants for us. I know that Joseph Smith was a prophet and that God had a marvelous (wonderful) work for him.)

Well I am not sure what else I should write. I know Mom wanted more of the miracles I see every day. I know that you are probably all sick of my miracles. Let me just tell ya...Sometimes I feel like Heavenly Father should be sick of blessing me so much ;) We have had so much éxito aquí en (success here in) Chillán!!! One of our many miracles is that Heavenly Father always gives us a taxi!!!! We have been walking around our sector and it's HUGE and it takes like 1 hour to get from our house to the sector where all our converts live...and we go there a lot. But randomly the buses and colectivos (groups) have been giving us FREE RIDES!!!! And then we give them FREE LESSONS!! AND FREE FOLLETOS!!! (free literature) and that is why I think they love us so much ;) We also have been doing 20 contacts each of us everyday. That means we talk to about 60 people sometimes more. And we still have time to have lessons with all our people! And find more new people to teach!!! Heavenly Father just loves us too much ;) He wants to give all of us blessings!!!

Well Hope this letter makes up for the crappy one last week!! Love you bunches!!
Hermanita Poulson, ¡¡¡¡¡¡su misionera FAVORITA!!!!!!

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