Saturday, April 2, 2016

Easter Miracles: Doing the Father's Will

March 28, 2016

Well this may have been the greatest week of my life! It started out a little crazy, but it ended with 2 VERY VERY happy Converts and 2 VERY VERY happy sister missionaries.
Well I hate to admit it, but one time we got to the house a couple minutes after 10...and we suffered the consequences this week! ALL OUR MEMBERS BAILED on us!!! I am not even joking. We had at least 3 members to accompany us everyday and EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM BAILED ON US!!! Like they called us at the last minute. And then the Noche de Hogar fell through twice...but We prayed and repented every single day. And the best part was that we still accomplished and even went above and beyond on our goals. It was really amazing what happened after we repented and then prayed to do the will of the Father.

Well also this week I went back to my birthplace! Yes that means I returned to good old BULNES!!! It was so crazy. I didn't know how to feel. I saw a bunch of members...but it's kinda sad...the only members that go don´t have animo (excitement or motivation)...its  kinda depressing. But they all remembered me and I cried when I had to leave them again. It was kinda a miracle for me that they had good memories of me, because when I was there I couldn't speak Spanish or understand them, but they still loved me. Haha I now can see all my progress as a missionary. It was an Easter miracle.

This week, like I said in the beginning of my email, we had 2 baptisms!!!!! WOHOOO!!!! I don´t get excited about the baptisms en si, pero mas en las personas.(baptism itself, but more for the people) I really love these people. Like really. Brenda is 26. Her boyfriend is super supportive. But she has had a hard hard life.  Her mom doesn't really have time for God...and Brenda is just a miracle. I feel like she is my best friend. We always talk and we talk about really cool church stuff. Like she always asks me how the spirit feels and what it is like to be a missionary. She is so sincere and loving. I wish I could take her home with me!!!
Cristian also is really really awesome. He is 15. His parents want nothing to do with the church in general. But he came SOLO to the church like 3 months ago. Then we went and visited him. We talked and gained his parents confidence. And now he is the newest HOMBRE JOVEN de barrio Copihues!!!! (Young man of the ward Copihues) It was really sad, it broke my heart, because no one in his family came to his baptism. But he looked around and he told us: "my family didn't come to support me, but my new family did." All the jovenes (youth) stayed to support him. It was a beautiful, spiritual moment!!!

Well that is the story of the week of Hermana Poulson. I have really focused a lot on what it means to do the Fathers will. This is His work. Not mine. He is always here to help me. I have really thought about what that means. I read a lot in Jesus The Christ and the Bible and I really admire Christ. He is so humble and so perfect. I can´t even imagine how difficult the atonement was, but he did it anyway. 
Not mine, but thine.
That is what we all can strive to do.
Hermana Poulson

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