Friday, December 4, 2015

Sacando PUROS 7s

November 23, 2015

Sacando 7 means that you get a 7. In the schools here they do numbers from 1-7 and 7 is the best. It's like saying getting straight As. And that's exactly what Hermana Heaton and I have been doing this week. It's been pretty rewarding, at least for me! This week we saw something amazing happen. We had 4 investigators this week and they were all progressing really well. They all have fecha for December. I have been stressin lately for them. Zaida received her answer that the church is TRUE. Roberto is still smoking but he is reading his BOOK OF MORMON and PRAYING!!! Manuel was doing so good and almost made it 1 month without smoking and drinking, but Saturday night he fell.... Cristel is doing AMAZING!!! She is preparing for her baptism in December. But the reason it is SACANDO 7s is because this week we put fecha on 3 MORE!!! THAT IS 7 INVESTIGATORS WITH FECHA BAUTISMAL!!!!! Margot and her son Joaquin, and Susana!!!!! Oh my I just need to talk about how MIRACULOUS that was!! 

Thursday we went to Concepcion to the House of PRESIDENTE ARRINGTON for a Noche de Hogar with him and Hermana Arrington and the family of Rodrigo (MA) and Susana (I) Annais (CR) (hija de Rodrigo) and Fernanda (CR) (hija de Susana) and Sofia (daughter of rodrigo and susana). They have the desires to get MARRIED and BAPTIZED!!! So we taught them about lesson 3, which is the gospel of Christ. We talked a little about los pasitos como la FE, el ARREPENTIMIENTO, el BAUTISMO, y el DON del ESPIRITU SANTO. (the steps of faith, repentance, baptism and the gift of the Holy Ghost.At the end we talked about PERSEVERAR hasta el FIN. (enduring to the end) We talked about the temple and how the blessings of the temple are so amazing, but how we need to be doing our part. Every member of the family has to do their part to reach EXALTACION como familia. Oh my the spirit was so strong and Presidente testified and we testified and then invited her to be baptized. She doesn't want to get baptized until February....but still we are working towards that goal!

And so we were in Conce all day Thursday and we almost didn't get the vision. So we ran to visit with Margot and Joaquin. They are the investigators that are coming to our ingles clase. We taught them about the The Plan de Salvacion. It has been so cool to see them change. At the beginning they just wanted to learn English and have never had any desires to enter a church, but now they ACCEPTED FECHA and are preparing for baptism!!! I am so excited!!! I love being a missionary and seeing the changes in the people. 

The other reason it is sacando 7s is because we have gotten 7 days of the vision (lesson to an active member, lesson to a menos activo with a member present, and lesson to an investigator with a member present) FOR 3 WEEKS!!! I feel so blessed to be a part of the Lord's work in this part of His vineyard. We are just working hard and being persistent. A lot of the elders keep asking what our secret is and really I don't know. I am not a perfect missionary but I love working and serving the people. Well I think this is the last reason why sacando 7s. It is because I read the scriptures and pray every day. 7 days a week. (even multiple times during the day). And that really gives me the strength to go out and work and give everything I have. I love being a missionary!!
and I love my family at home!!

con amor, 
Hermana Poulson

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