Wednesday, September 2, 2015

8 months

August 31, 2015

Well 8 months seems pretty crazy...I can´t believe I have been out this long. Really it feels like a dream still! A dream where people are shutting the doors or telling me I am crazy;) But still its a dream. I really wouldn´t want to be anywhere else right now. 

Here in Talcahuano things are getting pretty crazy! Its almost 18 de septiembre (which is like 4th of July in the United States!!!) Pretty much you eat in every single house. They feed you completos, empanadas, some weird dulces, pajeritos (not birds...its a dessert) and cualquier otra comida! Hermano Juan Seguel said that I will need to fast for at least a week before the 18th! 

This week we found out that our investigator smokes LOTS of weed....and that really he has no desire to stop. Actually that isn´t even his biggest obstacle. Really he couldn´t decide between his Friends and the Church. If he chose the Church he would receive SO MANY BLESSINGS...and if he chose his friends he would have the company and the house and everything. Really I think the hardest part of being a missionary is when the people miss out on all the blessing of the gospel, only because they don´t wanna accept it. We are praying and everything to help him. Prayers and fasting work.

We had a district class with Elder Martinez and guess what we watched????? We watched Living Scriptures (those stories from the Book of Mormon that I watched as a kid!!!!) It brought my childhood back! We watched the story of Alma and Amulek. There is a part where he is knocking on the doors and the people reject him.  We knock on a door and the people reject us we say "hay aluien como el/ella en cada parte." Even if more often than not, it happens in every house.

It has been raining a lot but now there is SUNSHINE!!!! There are more people in the streets and we can contact them and talk a little bit more. When it is raining the people are kinda grumpy hahaha. It is nice and we are going to start doing more activities outside. We are going to paint the Plan of Salvation in the streets!!! I am so excited!!!!!

This week we also had a ward activity. We made invitations that looked like tickets to an airplane and did that activity where the plane crashes and we all die. We then visited the three kingdoms. Telestial was a party with Coke, strobe lights and music. Terrestrial was a bunch of futbol and someone trying to teach about baptism. The celestial kingdom was like the temple- All white and holy (like Hermana Poulson, that's what all the primary kids said). They could wander around and explore the kingdoms and suddenly Juan locked everyone in the rooms they were in. Kingdom by kingdom they could go to the cultural hall and eat. It was such a spiritual experience for the investigators (hno victor y marco) One of the kids, Barbara (12 years old), was the only member of her family in the celestial kingdom. When we went to eat she kept saying "where is my mom? where is martin?" She was worried and sad that they couldn´t eat with her. I feel like that is how we will be. If we all die and go to the celestial kingdom and ONE MEMBER of our family is not there I can promise that we will feel sad. We will feel the sorrow because that member of our family will not be there to experience the blessings that we will have. BOOM that really hit me this week. I want all the people in my family, all the people I teach to be there with me in the Celestial kingdom. There is nothing on this earth that is worth losing the blessings of Exaltation and eternal life with our families!!!

I also thought about when I did that activity for YW and my family was there in the celestial kingdom, all dressed in white. Really that image is permanently engrained in my mind. It gave me a glismpe of heaven. I am so grateful for eternal families!!!! I LOVE MY FAMILY!!!!

I think that is all for this week. I want you to know that this gospel really is the greatest thing we have in our lives. We are so blessed to live in this time and have the opportunity to share our light with the world. It is really really hard to share the gospel with people living in Utah (I hear stories from all the members about the glory of living in Utah...they pretty much worship us) But I know that everyday we can be a light and share our testimony with our family, our friends, and whoever else we see. 

We have been sharing with the members about 3 Nefi 12:14-16. And I will offer you all the same challenge I offer the members here: SHARE YOUR LIGHT. INVITE 1 Person to church, Share your favorite scripture online or with someone in your work or school. And ALWAYS ALWAYS PRAY FOR THE OPPORTUNITIES to share the Gospel. I promise that they will come!

Hermana Poulson

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