Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Chi Chi Chi Le Le Le VIVA CHILE

July 6, 2015

Yeah so all that really happened this week was Copa America craziness. Chile beat Argentina for the Copa America final on PK's. Saturday we watched the game for like 3.5 hours...the most TV that I have ever watched in the mission. The members all laughed at me because I knew more about soccer and started telling the people what to do in English, so I repented and told them what to do in Spanish. haha

I miss you guys and all the fun stuff you are doing in summer. Please continue to have fun!! Really I am having fun here without you guys;) I am excited for Grandma!! (Todd's mom is going on a mission to the Orem, Utah mission and leaves next month.) That is so crazy! I love the mission and there are so many blessings from serving!

This week was seriously the greatest. We had Zone Conference on Tuesday, President and Hermana Arrington came. Hermana Arrington spoke to us about the power of Attitude in the mission and the importance to talk to everyone and really listen. We never know what someone is going through and what they need in that moment. Really I felt the spirit so strong. We don´t know the situations of the people. And for as many people as reject us on a daily basis we need to have the faith that there is at least one person who is waiting to receive this message.
President spoke to us about something VERY IMPORTANT. Really I feel like it was revelation specifically for me (haha I know I am selfish right?) I have been praying super super hard for the past week to be able to learn how to Trust in the Spirit and how to teach by the spirit. Really I don't know why I struggle so much. I don´t feel confident in my abilities which I have learned weakens my ability to teach by the spirit. He said so many profound words. I have no doubt that this is the True Church and that our leaders receive revelation specifically for us in our sectors. This is by far the greatest quote from him: "Are we willing to pay the price to have the spirit with us? If we really give everything we have and place everything on the altar there is nothing that can deny the Holy Ghost from being with us." BOOM that is power. 
We then broke out and did little practices. We worked in groups of 3. Guess who was in my group?! Elder Palacio who was in Bulnes with me when I was born. He said that my Spanish has GREATLY improved since my first day there. Haha it was fun. I still get scared to teach others cuz I feel like they will judge me and that I don´t know enough about the gospel or Spanish. Haha I think I worry too much. Anyways so after the practice President said that he would choose a pair of missionaries to come to the front and teach him. He called on....ME!!!!  I died in my seat. I could feel my face go bright red. I can´t teach!!!! But when we got up there and started talking I could teach.  A MIRACLE of the Mission. 

After the conference I had a mini cambio with the sisters in Hualpen. Hermana Velasquez and Hermana Kinkade. I went to Hualpen. IT IS HUGE. I died at the size of Indpendencia. But I died even more to see the size of their sector. I can´t believe all the work here in the mission. Really there are so many people that need the gospel. I am working hard to find. I know that Heavenly Father has prepared people to receive the gospel. I just need to do everything I can to find them. 
I will leave you with my testimony. Yo sè que este es la iglesia de Jesucristo de los santos de los Ultimos Dias. Estoy muy agradecida por la oportunidad que tengo a compartir el Evangelio con todos los personas. Quizàs no soy perfecta o la mejor misionera, pero por medio de Jesucristo yo tengo la oportunidad a mejorar cada dia. Yo he experimentado las bendiciones del evangelio en mi vida y quiero ayudar a todos a recibir las mismas. LES QUIERO MUCHISIMO!!! I know this is the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. I am grateful for the opportunity I have to share the gospel with all people. Maybe I'm not perfect or the best missionary, but through Jesus Christ I have the opportunity to improve every day. I have experienced the blessings of the gospel in my life and I want to help everyone to receive the same. I LOVE THEM!!!

 tenga una buena semana con mucho animo, (Have a good week, with much encouragement)
Hermana Poulson
I have the BEST FAMILY in the WORLD! I hope you loved my package!!! it wasn't much but its the life of a poor missionary ;)

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