Tuesday, March 17, 2015

New Roommates

March 16, 2015

This has been one week to remember! It was simply amazing to have the newbie conference and be there with President & Sister Arrington! I have so much love and respect for them and their calling. I was told once that you are called to the mission where you can help the people and where the Mission President can help you the most. I truly believe that. They have given me hope and a love for the mission and who Heavenly Father needs me to be. 

I struggle sometimes because I am a perfectionist. It is really hard and I am being humbled everyday. I still get discouraged when the members tell me I should know Spanish by now. I still get discouraged when everyone says they can´t understand me. I don´t know what else to do but pray and study the language more. I wish they all knew how hard it was to learn a new language!!! I love my area though, I had a cool experience this week where I really felt guided by the Holy Ghost. I was teaching a member who had TONS of doubts about the church and how to know what was from God and what was from Satan.I knew this scripture in English and I was trying to think of what to say. Then I had this thought: " You don´t need to think about what to say. I will say it for you." I just started speaking and sharing this scripture. She started getting emotional and I did too because I had only a little tiny idea of what I was saying. It really wasn't me speaking. The spirit was speaking through me. She told me personally at the end of the lesson that she really needed to hear what I said. She loves me now!! I have a member who actually likes me, even though I don´t know her language or anything perfectly!!!

Sad news, Eric died this week.....(dying is when they aren't investigating anymore!) Funny story when we called to tell the DL what happened he was like " Oh no!!! Did he get hit by a car?! When did this happen?! Are you with his family now?!" And we were like "no Elder!!! He died in investigating!" It made the whole experience a little less depressing:)

This has been the best week ever!! I went to Concepcion for the Conference for the New Missionaries. I saw Elders Evelo, Kingsford, & Holt and Hermana Burnham, and Long!!!! I seriously miss them soooooo much!!! They became my family in the CCM and it was so hard to say goodbye. But so good. I am jealous, some of them get to see each other and other missionaries like everyday! And I am seriously out in the boonies living in a house with 10 bats and a thousand and a half stray dogs! 

The conference was so good! Like I said I loved being with President and Sister Arrington. I just love them soooo much! I had an interview with them and they gave us tons of advice on how to be a better missionary. I can´t tell you everything they said but I can tell you that OBEDIENCE is the Key to Everything!!!!! Think about the story of Nephi and Laman. They had the same experiences and saw the same Angel! But why do we remember Nephi? Because he was obedient. He did what the Lord commanded. Sidenote: when he followed the spirit he has able to complete the Lords errand. His ideas were good, but we really need to do things the Lords way with HIS spirit!!!
This was my week! It has been super Becan and I can´t wait to have another week here in BULNES!!!! 

Love you all,
Hermana Poulson

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