June 27, 2016
Well it's been a crazy, spiritually uplifting week. I have been so blessed. I had my last interview with Presidente Arrington...let me just say it was a sad, but good experience at the same time. He is so amazing and so simple. It has been such a blessing to work with him. He helped me to realize all that I have done and all that I can continue to do here in the mission and despues. (after). Wow I just can´t believe time flies so fast. I feel like just yesterday I got here and now president will be leaving.
This week we also had the Good Bye conference for them. It was crazy! The night before we had 14 Hermanas sleeping in our house! 14!!!!!! And if only you could see our house. It is TINY but cold. And it's winter and we had no blankets. It's okay we only all have frost bite now ;) But it was fun. We seriously had a slumber party in which no one really could sleep. I got to spend time with my companion from the CCM, Hermana Long, which was a much needed blessing. Also I saw my sweet little Herrara. Aww I miss them so much.
In the Conference we listened to Presidente and Hermana Arrington, we watched two awesome videos. One that Hermana Arrington made, the other one that we made for the Arringtons. I pretty much killed it! It was so awesome and fun. I will miss them dearly, but at least I'm from Utah too, so I will be able to see them again. Presidente gave us final words of advise. He shared with us the scriptures que se encuenra en (that is located in) Alma 38, one of my FAVORITE Chapters in the Book of Mormon.
"2 And now, my son, I trust that I shall have great joy in you, because of your steadiness and your faithfulness unto God; for as you have commenced in your youth to look to the Lord your God, even so I hope that you will continue in keeping his commandments; for blessed is he that endureth to the end. 3 I say unto you, my son, that I have had great joy in thee already, because of thy faithfulness and thy diligence, and thy patience and thy long-suffering among the (CHILEANS)
4 For I know that thou wast in bonds; yea, and I also know that thou wast stoned for the word’s sake; (OR THAT PEOPLE SLAMMED THE DOOR IN YOUR FACE OR REJECTED THE GOSPEL OF JESUS CHRIST) and thou didst bear all these things with patience because the Lord was with thee; and now thou knowest that the Lord did deliver thee.5 And now my son, Shiblon, I would that ye should remember, that as much as ye shall put your trust in God even so much ye shall be delivered out of your trials, and your troubles, and your afflictions, and ye shall be lifted up at the last day.
6 Now, my son, I would not that ye should think that I know these things of myself, but it is the Spirit of God which is in me which maketh these things known unto me; for if I had not been born of God I should not have known these things."And what more of a testimony could anyone ask for. I am so blessed to have gotten to know los ARRINGTONS. And as much as I will miss them I am excited to meet los CATALA and learn from them.
Trunkiness has not overtaken me. Actually I still don't have anything ready to leave. And also I may have not gotten my visa done (hope you won't be mad if they make me stay in Chile ... BROMA) (JOKE)
I also want to end with a spirit insight I had. My companion and I were talking about what it means to be a leader. I honestly don´t feel like I am a great leader or that people should look to me as an example. And that's when we found the talk that Presidente had us read: The Greatest Leaders Are the Greatest Followers. Here is my FAVORITE part of the talk:
"If I were to ask you, “Who is the greatest leader who ever lived?”—what would you say? The answer, of course, is Jesus Christ. He sets the perfect example of every imaginable leadership quality.But what if I were to ask you, “Who is the greatest follower who ever lived?”—wouldn’t the answer again be Jesus Christ? He is the greatest leader because He is the greatest follower—He follows His Father perfectly, in all things.The world teaches that leaders must be mighty; the Lord teaches that they must be meek. Worldly leaders gain power and influence through their talent, skill, and wealth. Christlike leaders gain power and influence “by persuasion, by long-suffering, by gentleness and meekness, and by love unfeigned.”....There will be times when the path ahead seems dark, but keep following the Savior. He knows the way; in fact, He is the way. The more earnestly you come unto Christ, the more deeply you will desire to help others experience what you have experienced. Another word for this feeling is charity, “which [the Father] hath bestowed upon all who are true followers of his Son, Jesus Christ.” Then you will find that in the very act of following Christ, you are also leading others to Him, for in the words of President Thomas S. Monson, “As we follow that Man of Galilee—even the Lord Jesus Christ—our personal influence will be felt for good wherever we are, whatever our callings.”
That is what I want to share with you today. I will keep working hard. I just can't believe its almost come! I will have a more significant letter next week. LOVE YOU FAM!!!........con amor del paĆs de los Campeones, (With love of the country of the Champions) (CHILE WON THE COPA AMERICA AGAIN THIS YEAR, SHE SAID THEY DIDN'T GET ANY SLEEP LAST NIGHT BECAUSE OF ALL THE CELEBRATING!!)Hermanita Poulson