October 26, 2015
I have been thinking a lot about what I can send to you guys. I am not the smartest missionary and I am definitely not the best example, but I guess I have had some pretty cool experiences here in Chile, and messages to share. (wise words will be in upper case at the end of each experience)
Ha sido una semana de locos aquí en Hualqui. (It has been a week of crazy here in Hualqui.)We have been working hard with our investigators, Roberto, Cristel, Camila, Zaida, and we have been trying to find someone new. Actually we have really been focusing on that. We need to find new people. We have been fasting to find people to teach and going through all our options. I have never really prayed so hard in my life. And for the first time in a LONG time, I am praying more for other people than for myself. Saturday and Sunday we fasted to find someone, and it was miraculous! We found someone that night!!! Its hard to know if he will actually progress, but WITH FAITH IN HEAVENLY FATHER, ALL THINGS ARE POSSIBLE!!!
We had a crazy week with one of the Converts. She has been making cualquier excusa para que no vayamos a su casa (any excuse for us not to come to her house)...it kinda stunk right. So then we just tell her that we really don´t care and that we will have a lesson outside in the rain. She finally let us in and told us that she wants nothing to do with the church. She is only a convert for 3 months and has started going to another church. It kinda broke my heart. We tried talking about what conversion means and why we make covenants with God (and not with the missionaries or with the Bishop). She just kept saying "No puedo mentir Hermanas. No puedo mentir. No me siento bien en la iglesia." ("I cannot lie Sisters. I cannot lie. I do not feel good in the church.") I just wanted to cry. We have been visiting her for the past 6 weeks like every other day. She doesn't know how to read or write, which may also be why so was never really converted. I just pray that I can help her. WE NEED TO READ AND PRAY DAILY TO BE VERDADERAMENTE CONVERTIDO AL SEÑOR. TRULY CONVERTED TO THE LORD.
We have really focused on making goals and keeping them. I have not always been the best at making goals. Especially before the mission. But here we make them like everyday and even several times throughout the day. I have learned so much. Especially that when you make a goal you pray about it and commit with Heavenly Father to keep it. Because when you do that, he really does make it possible. Read 1 nephi 17:3, its kinda the same as 1 nephi 3:7. MAKE AND KEEP COMMITMENTS, AND DO THEM WITH THE HELP OF THE LORD.
Okay this is the last experience for the week. I forgot to write about the temple experience...so here it is. When we went to the temple groundbreaking we listened to several talks from people in the seventy. It was pretty awesome!!!! I have one thought that just keeps coming in my mind: the Lord has given the people of Chile 3 years (or a little more) to prepare for the temple in Concepcion. And he has given them 3 years to prepare themselves spiritually for the work of the temple. Whatever mistake they have made, whatever trials they need to overcome, it will all be worth it if they can go to the temple. GO TO THE TEMPLE. NO MATTER HOW FAR AWAY. NO MATTER HOW BUSY AND THE BLESSINGS WILL COME.
"In this great work of salvation we have the blessing to invite and help the people come unto Jesus Christ because He is the One who can change and sanctify their hearts. It is not us. When the people whom we are teaching began to praise us we should remember that we are only ministers through which they have believed. Some of us plant, others water but it is Christ that gives the increase. If we begin to believe that it is through our own wisdom or abilities that people are converted, we will lose the help of the Spirit.
I testify to you of the importance of confessing the hand of the Lord in all that we do. We depend on Him for all that we have and all that we do. Each day we must recognize our dependency on Him and work for His glory. I testify that if we do that He will give the increase." (inspiring words from Presidente Arrington)
I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!! I always pray for you and I know you are praying for me too cuz I feel the strength from the prayers.
Hermana Poulson